Posts tagged ‘cookies’

October 7, 2012


super sweet blogging award

Now I”m Home has been nominated for the Super Sweet Blogging Award!

I’m on a sugar high!

A big thank you goes to  Veronica of Agujas for  the nomination.



in accordance with the rules, I will answer these five questions:

1. cookies or cake? Cake, cake, cake – my favorite- the lamington

2. chocolate or vanilla?  no contest- chocolate all the way

3. favourite sweet treat?  licorice – I’m a self confessed candy addict

4. when do you crave sweet things the most?  around 4 in the afternoon when the sugar low hits

5. if you had a sweet nickname what would it be? Blondie!

now to pass along the sweetness

I’m delighted to nominate 12 sweet blogs for this award

Las Teje y Maneje

A Sweeter Thing

the green dragonfly

Kiotta‘s Cottage

Sweet Mabel

That Sawyer Girl


people webs

O Meu Mundo A Cores

Bunny Mummy

pontinhos meus

Fiber Art Chic


November 6, 2011

this week


Baker’s Royale

 Yummy baked goodies are what you’ll find if you check out Naomi’s blog – Baker’s Royale.

Her wonderful recipes are always matched with amazing photographs.

Check out these pics for Meringue Kiss Cookies and Appletini Cupcakes




I can’t wait to make Fran’s Dark Espresso Chocolate Cake

  Anything with the combination of  chocolate, coffee and alcohol has to be good.

 My hips are getting bigger just thinking about it!


October 24, 2011

in the kitchen


This morning I made some Anzac biscuits.  This is a good Aussie (Australian) recipe…….oaty, syrupy and crunchy ( is oaty a word)!   I bake them often as they are a favorite in our house.  They are also super easy to make,  so I thought I would share the recipe with you.

Wondering where the name came from……………….?

Get ready for a short history lesson!

Anzac stands for Australian and New Zealand  Army Corps and refers to the soldiers who fought in World War I and II . There are some varying opinions as to why the biscuits were given this name; one is that they we sent to the soldiers during the war; another is that they were sold as fund-raisers after the war for returned soldiers.

I’m not sure about the reason for their name, however, I am sure that they are delicious!

If you would like to make some, then here’s the recipe.
